ICSE & ISC - Curriculum

ICSE & ISC - Curriculum

Bangalore International Public School follows the belief that education is not limited to academics and book knowledge, however, it is the overall development of the students to help them contribute and ensure that they are valuable members of society. BIPS remains strongly focused on developing and supporting various scholastic curriculums that play a role in the academic future of our students. We opted to provide students with the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) academic curriculum as we are aware of the immense potential that this syllabus contains for students who would have aspirations to encounter bright prospects with regards to their educational future. 

ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) & ISC

The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education ensures a general education without any diversification of studies as all candidates are required to take Six subjects and Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW). Group I subjects are compulsory, and students must select One Second Language from Group One, TWO from Group II, and ONE from Group III 

Group I: English, History & Civics, Geography, Second Language (Hindi/French/Kannada)

Group II (A) (any one): Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), or Economics

Group II (B) (any One): Mathematics or Environmental Science

Group III (any One): Computer Applications / Economic Applications/ Commercial Applications/ Art / Physical Education / Mass Media & Communication

All students in Grades X and XII, regardless of the subjects chosen, must fulfil the Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) grade to obtain a pass certificate. The nature of this programme may involve field trips and community service, which are organised by the school.

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